
Fourth-grade students read as a class rather than in reading circles. Students will use Adventures in Other Lands and Read and Think Skill Sheets, books designed to increase their speed and comprehension. In fourth-grade Language, students will master subjects, predicates, recognize and use all eight parts of speech, and expand their diagramming skills. They also add to their knowledge of capitalization, punctuation, forming plurals, etc.

Spelling and Poetry

Spelling and Poetry provide students with a new list of spelling words to learn weekly. They are acquainted with a variety of good poetry.  Poems have been selected for their beauty of language, aesthetic appeal, literary greatness or character-building qualities.


Penmanship is important in fourth-grade as students work to master cursive writing skills. Each day, students complete a Cursive Writing Skill page in their book. Journal entries and other creative writing assignments are regularly scheduled.


Fourth-grade seatwork allows students to focus quietly on their own to practice what they’ve learned in class. Most importantly, it provides essential practice in arithmetic, spelling, penmanship, phonics, creative writing, and language. Because the Seatwork Curriculum correlates to all of the areas of their learning, it outlines specific assignments for each day.


Fourth graders continue to learn the fundamentals of traditional arithmetic. The greatest emphasis is on mastering fractions. Students also learn how to solve story problems with more than one step/ how to solve measurements problems. Classes include daily speed drills and weekly tests.


Students study Science daily for 30 minutes during the 1st semester. Additionally, they study insects, plants, birds, matter, energy, geology, oceanography, and astronomy.  Finally, during the second semester, students learn how to develop good health habits. Students learn about their bones, muscles, respiratory system, teeth, skin, etc.


Students study history daily for 30 minutes during the 2nd semester. While doing so, they learn about people in America who have helped build our country.  Students study documents about our country’s history while focusing on facts about our states, their capitals, and presidents.